Looking for hard numbers to back up your sense of what's happening in the cybersecurity world?
We dug into studies and surveys of the industry's landscape to get a sense of the lay of the land—both in terms of what's happening and how security leaders are reacting to it. If you want data on what systems are most vulnerable, what malware is topping the charts, and how much people are getting paid to deal with it all, read on.
The Importance of Network Monitoring. Network monitoring is absolutely necessary for your business. The whole purpose of it is to monitor your computer network's usage and performance, and check for slow or failing systems. Network monitoring applications are created to collect data for network management applications. The purpose of network monitoring is the collecting of useful information from various parts of the network so that the network can be managed and controlled using the collected information.
Cybercriminals continue to try to wreak havoc on businesses of every size — and the results are staggering. The average cost of a ransomware attack is $5 million. It takes an average of 191 days for an organization to discover it has been breached.
Cyberattacks are escalating, putting every business at risk. We offer a market-leading suite of cyber liability insurance products and risk control resources for businesses of all sizes, built on nearly two decades of cyber insurance expertise.
Identifying cybersecurity posture is a critical beginning in our process. Services include detailed analyses from a network of cybersecurity experts, reports that provide a snapshot of policyholder security posture and numerous recommendations for improvement.
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